Home / School Art Courses
Begin September 8, 2014
1. High School Home/School Art- Tuition $125 (per student)
2. Elementary Home/School Art - Tuition $75 (per student/family)
Each course includes a short lesson about a famous artist. Students will be encouraged to try to create similar to share with the rest of their "class". The expectations for High School Level and Elementary School Level work is quite different.
High School Home/School Art Expectations:
1. Study Photographer's and his/her work. Write 300-500 words about the artist.
2. Scrapbook - Find artwork that is similar in style to the artist of the lesson.
3. Projects: - Complete art project
4. Deadlines are Mondays at 5:30 EST. (either weekly or every other week). The course is independent of other students and may begin at any time after August 1, 2014.
5. Lesson 9 is the "Final Project"
Elementary Home/School Art Expectations:
1. Short study of the artist and his/her work.
2. Projects to do in the style of the lesson.
3. There are no deadlines. Lessons will be sent by email every Monday morning, beginning the Monday after Labor Day for 9 weeks. The lessons will be open to you for the rest of the quarter.
4. Photographs of your artwork will be added to student website if sent to your instructor (otherwise, students have no obligation to show their work).