Materials needed for
Introduction to Architecture
You will need the following materials:
*** Materials needed for Weeks 1 and 2 (as well as a ruler, pencils, erasers, glue sticks, and scissors)
Drawing Paper - 120 sheets - 11" x 14" ***
Sketchbook/Blank Book or Spiral Sketch Pad - 100 sheets - 9" x 12" ***
Sharpe Markers - Fine or Ultra Fine or both ***
Materials needed for future weeks:
Drafting Templates - Circles/Squares/Triangle - General purpose usually works fine, but a variety is nice.
Tracing Paper - 50 sheets - 9" x 12"
Architectural Triangle - 45/45/90 or 30/60/90 Degrees
12 Inch Triangular Architectural Scaled Ruler
Steel Ruler (for cutting)
poster board or white card stock
foam core (11 x 14" or larger)
Elmer's glue.
Misc. Supplies dependent upon your student's ideas!
*** Materials needed for Weeks 1 and 2 (as well as a ruler, pencils, erasers, glue sticks, and scissors)
Drawing Paper - 120 sheets - 11" x 14" ***
Sketchbook/Blank Book or Spiral Sketch Pad - 100 sheets - 9" x 12" ***
Sharpe Markers - Fine or Ultra Fine or both ***
Materials needed for future weeks:
Drafting Templates - Circles/Squares/Triangle - General purpose usually works fine, but a variety is nice.
Tracing Paper - 50 sheets - 9" x 12"
Architectural Triangle - 45/45/90 or 30/60/90 Degrees
12 Inch Triangular Architectural Scaled Ruler
Steel Ruler (for cutting)
poster board or white card stock
foam core (11 x 14" or larger)
Elmer's glue.
Misc. Supplies dependent upon your student's ideas!